A Clockwork Lemon

This was found nestled in a copy of Jack Herer’s “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” in a used bookstore.

Meece’s Doodle?

A few months ago I told a friend of mine about how I had been fixing up a book I own from the 1890s by deacidifying the pages and repairing the bindings. He mentioned he had some 19th century school textbooks in his garage that were falling apart, and I offered to see if I … Continued

Fortess of Solitude

Found this photo of this very life-like (waxen?) man of steel on the floor of a very cluttered garage. Could it be a forgotten, long-lost vacation photo or an occupant leftover?

Good Fruit and Secrets

Found in the parking lot of a Sam’s Club. I don’t know why oranges don’t come under the heading of “good fruits,” and I haven’t yet been able to find the “secrets” department in our Sam’s. But in Santa Fe, anything is possible.

Sir You Stink

I found this at the Santa Fe Animal Shelter & Humane Society, where I work. There’s not a single grocery store anywhere nearby. I wonder who the heck is eating their lunch IN the grocery store? I guess I wouldn’t want to smell Stinky Sir either, though.

Evone’s XMAS List

I was in a thrift store when I found this (though the stationary is from Amarillo, Texas). It’s kind of a random list. She lists cologne, bath powder, night gowns and the phone in her bedroom, but then random Willie Nelson 8-track tapes are mentioned, as well as a fountain for the back yard. Kinky … Continued

Bad Frog

I found this near the sidewalk on St. Francis Drive. The patron saint of frogs!

Graphic Designer

I found this stuck to my monitor one afternoon when I returned from a meeting. No one in the office owned up. I hope whomever left it is OK.

Flatbelly Melissa

I found this around the dumpster outside of my work. Not sure what a Flatbelly Melissa is, but if I ever see it on a menu, I’m ordering it.

The Dangers Of Not Smoking

I’ve had this for awhile and not sure where I found it. I like the fact that the P.S. is in different ink, which means Patty added the obesity reference some time after the original note was written.