
This was found in a grocery store parking lot on a particularly gusty afternoon.

10 Good, 10 Bad

I found this folded up and blowing down my street.

Sluts R “Us”

I found this on my way out of the grocery store one night, in an empty handicapped parking spot. It appears to be on the back of something from the local hospital’s birth center.

Lost Semi-Telepathic Cat

This poster appeared on a pole outside my house one night. There were no others like it in the neighborhood, or posted at any stores nearby. I can’t imagine how someone lost a cat pulling a wagon with balloons.

Stinking Dogs

I found this posted on a laundromat’s bulletin board.

Captain Earl

I found this weathered b&w print in my front yard. I noticed that the image was printed in reverse so I held it up to the mirror to reveal that the embroidered name on the shirt read “Capt Earl.”

Naked Prey

I don’t remember where I found this, but the book titles sure are intriguing.

Buzz Lightyear

I found this in a gutter while walking my dogs. I especially liked the exclamation point.

I’m Not Crazy

Found this cryptic message and picture under a bridge on Tramway. It’s written on the front of what appears to be a really old Radio Shack receipt (judging by the warranty/return information printed on the back). The picture was attached to the message in pretty much the same place. The material of the picture makes … Continued

My Little Vampire

I found this on a lonely bench at my school after a long, hard day. The simplest things can make you feel better, they really can.