Saturn Devours Youth

I found this on the floor at the Guild Cinema, a small independent theater here in Albuquerque. We were in the lobby between showings of a double feature consisting of “Death Race 2000″ and “Wild in the Streets” when I saw this on the floor and, of course, picked it up. I have no idea … Continued

Felen Tims Day

I walked out this morning to get the newspaper and saw this crumpled up note stuck halfway under a flowerpot. It was so windy here yesterday that it must have blown in and got stuck there. At first, I thought it was an old tissue that we had left out there. I picked it up … Continued

Imperfect Enjoyment

All fans of great literature will already know the incredible work of John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, but sometimes his work can be so cryptic as to be opaque. Luckily, the previous owner of this used book was kind enough to add her marginalia to increase understanding.