Debauched Love

I was checking out a copy of A Million Little Pieces by James Frey at the public library and when I got home this note fell out of the book.

The Pretty Girl

I found this in one of my old purses. My youngest wrote it to me. Apparently she hid it there with high hopes I would find it. It’s been at least a year and half since I used that purse. Sad.

Continued Thursday

I found this in Best Buy. At first I thought it was written by a middle schooler but was later informed it is in fact by a high school student. Interesting… I mainly enjoy the fact that it had to be continued!

Inappropriate Grandma

A co-worker found this in his driveway one Sunday morning. I kept it because it’s so damned funny and disturbing. The simple call of “flaps” got us through several horrendous days.

Fat Kid

The first day back at school after being sick, I found this posted in the window of the resource room. It didn’t belong there, so I took it down and almost threw it in the recycle bin. Then I realized it belongs here instead.


Found on the floor of Lifetime Fitness.

Love Poem

I saw this piece of paper on the street, at the intersection of Bivins & James Streets. It was early Sunday morning and I was walking the dog and picking up trash. I picked it up. The poem is written on the back of a portion of the wine list from some restaurant.

Jameson with a Shot of Salt Water

I took a walk on the beach on President’s Day last year. It was after a storm. I often find interesting things that wash up on the sand, usually plastic items or cigarette butts that wash down from the city in the storm drains. This day I found a soggy message in a pint-sized Jameson … Continued

Send Money

My girlfriend and I found this on the way to lunch one afternoon.

I Still Love You!

I found this bookmark in a second-hand book I bought in a small shop. I have no idea who Lucie is, or who she was addressing – but it in its simplicity, isn’t it so romantic?