Stuck on Love

While cleaning up the auditorium after a symphony performance, I found this Post-It note stuck to a discarded program. It was “college night” that evening, and I think the note was most likely drawn by a student from the art school down the street. I like the fact that this small thing evokes such strong … Continued

Courtney Love

I found this on the sidewalk along the beach. I hope Nick knows what he’s asking for.

No Matter What You Say

I work at a coffee shop on a college campus, and this was in the drawer of the cash register. Theories are running wild among my friends about the circumstances behind it. Whether Nena is devoted or just plain creepy… it’s a toss-up.

Dear Poops

While browsing through the selections at the Strand bookstore I found this note stuck in the front cover of “The Complete Lyrics of Noel Coward.” The envelope, addressed to John, was yellowed with age and had never been opened. Joan’s message is filled with love and devotion. Why then did John give away the book … Continued

Love, Margo

Found on the ground in a Costco parking lot.

Doll Parts

I found this on the sidewalk along the beach. I hope Nick knows what he’s asking for.


Found in the honeymoon haven of California.

Precious NYC

I found this on a seat on the uptown number 1 train. There was another find next to it but the writing was a lot more subversive. It said stuff like, “Allah Sucks Dick.” I left it alone. Although this find appeared to be written by the same person, it’s more endearing.

Beautiful Soul

My daughter and I were out for our daily walk at 6:00, Monday morning. What a beautiful way to start the day and the week. It definitely touched us and made our smiles a little brighter.