Sorry, Mom

This note fell out of a book I bought at a thrift store. I can only imagine the backstory … mom pulls a freshly baked loaf of “omish” bread out of the oven and calls for Andrew to come in and enjoy some. Andrew comes to the table and looks at a loaf that resembles … Continued

I Will Not Fight

Found at the abandoned Patuxent Mental Hospital. The letter was followed by the statement, “I will not fight” written out 1,000 times.

Writtin My Info

This was stuck under my windshield wiper the other day at a strip mall. Whatever damage he did didn’t matter, because two days later I totaled my car in an accident.

Sorry about the Drama

I had found this while taking a break from judging at a Speech and Debate tournament. It was sitting on the grass just outside of some portable classrooms. It’s slightly sad, and reminded me of my early relationship with my fiance. I can only hope that all goes well with this couple.

In a Bald Mood

I picture the person who lost this as an old hippie with wispy, shoulder-length gray hair who laments the loss of his youth and hair.


Our for a post-breakfast stroll, my two roommates and I found this in the litter on the side of the walkway. If only we knew the backstory … or maybe better that we don’t.

The Trivial Things

This was taped to an electrical box at a Muni bus stop at Spear & Howard. I saw it on a Thursday when I left work, but didn’t have time to stop and read the whole thing until Friday. By Monday morning someone else had added the line at the bottom.

1000000000 Kisses

When I was walking to work, I cut through the park. The letter was a little wet.