If Not Claimed, Will Bury

I found this while walking my tiny dog. I waited a few days to ensure the viewing window had closed and snagged it. It was slid into one of those plastic sheet protectors for three ring binders and nailed to a telephone pole.

Your Ex

I was stocking chips at the grocery store, and I found this sticky note in a case of chips with a rose.

Mommy, Wife, Life Partner

Found in the back of a Tri-Met city bus. I can’t help but wonder if it was left by the recipient, or if the sender lost it before he had a chance to even give it to her.

Special Things for My Special Man

I found this note folded into a novel I bought new from amazon.com. The novel is Oryx and Crake, by Margaret Atwood, not the type of read you’d associate with an apologetic lover. Or “peeny.”


I found this outside a Mexican restaurant a couple of years ago and didn’t really know what to do with it … then I found this site! Enjoy.

Note from Karen

have no idea where this note came from or how it ended up in a box of my own junk in my garage. I have had many workers in and out of my garage in years past– repair workers, renovators, etc. Maybe it was one of theirs. It is also possible that it might have … Continued

The Saddest Dad

We found this hand-written note to a dad blowing in the wind in the middle of a frisbee golf course. 🙁

I Didn’t Know

My dad found this note on these shipping pallets (big wooden crate-like things).


My parents just bought a gas stove after several years of living with an inferior electric model. During the stove swapping, they discovered some inevitable detritus under the old stove. Their finds included a few plastic toys, a colony of dust bunnies, and this apology to the tooth fairy.

Love Tess

I found this on the street in front of a liquor store. I found it a few years ago but I kept it in my wallet. It seems really desperate to me.