Change Your Seating Habits

When I saw the find from March 14, 2009, I was reminded of this. A sign next to it, written in the same style, said, “If you sit and use our bathroom ~ Please spray freshener, open window, and shut the door. Thank you.” There’s a deli in the market where delicious sandwiches are served, … Continued

What I Think of Your Cheek

I was crossing the railroad tracks to get to the bike path along the levee when I found this note between the tracks. I didn’t see any parking spaces nearby. Must have blown a ways.

Grand Theft Laundry

This note was found posted on a bulletin board in the laundry room of a housing community on the University of Central Florida campus.

You Suck at Life Now

I was walking home from the park with my kids and thought that I’d take them by the juvie; like, “Hey kids, don’t act up and end up in there some day.” We found this on the sidewalk. I saw the swear word up top and then wouldn’t let my kids have it. They spent … Continued

Hey Fuck Face

I found this note in the parking lot of the Redwood Gospel Mission Thrift Store. There weren’t any obvious entrances or exits for a car to block, so the event probably happened elsewhere. And the thrift store people are all very nice.

Sooo Fake

A bookmark found in a very-overdue library book. It was one of the “Chicken Soup” books. I’d like to say it was “Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul” but I just don’t know for sure.

The Bicycle Thief

I am a student at Ball State University. A few weeks ago I noticed a bike lying on the ground, unattached to anything. It was a cool bike– vintage and in pretty good condition. Everyday for a week I would come to this area to lock up my bike and marvel that no one had … Continued