To the Transplants

Found this in my pocket this afternoon. Whoever wrote this could have easily asked me to move my coat but instead wrote this note.

A Bad Day

I found this note on the sidewalk awhile ago.


Found it on a shelf near the mailboxes in my apartment building. For what it’s worth, the next morning I definitely heard a loud radio blaring from an apartment down the hall.


My friend and I were picking up trash in the school when we came across this.

All the Way Up

Having been in New York City for a bit I became accustomed to parking wherever I could find even a remotely legal space. On returning to Charleston I continued this cutthroat mentality in regards to parking, but ended up slightly inconveniencing some poor person to whom I parked very close. It couldn’t have been that … Continued

Don’t Even Want This Bike Back

We found this sticking to a movie poster at our local theater. Working as an over-night janitor, I tend to find pretty random things, but this has to be the oddest. No number or address, so the kid really doesn’t want his bike back. He just wants the thief to feel his hatred.

Media Services Sucks

I found two of these in the recycling bin by the copiers in the library. One copy was clearer than the other. There’s about a million reasons to dislike media services, however there were no other copies indicating which reason it might have been.

Page Me Later

One cold as fuck February night in Chicago in 1999, I went to my old apartment at Fullerton and Kedzie to watch the movie “Ran” with my friend and old roommate Kelli, who still lived there. Around 3 a.m. I stumbled out to my car, full of war-fatigue from the movie, and thinking all kinds … Continued


I found this note on the ground while taking the baby for a walk in our ritzy little neighborhood.

Rough Childhood

While my family and I were walking on a trail I found this letter in some tall grass.