Alexa’s Death Threat

I found this outside my daughter’s elementary school. It looks suspiciously like an adult has helped Alexa put this apology together. I wonder what she said and what provoked her to say it in the first place?

Aunt FLO

Found on the ground in the parking lot at work.


I was in the library writing a biology lab report when I noticed this poem… I’m a biology nerd, but I’ve never resorted to expressing my love for mitosis in verse.

Papa’s Got a Brand New Job

I found this on the ground outside the Ballard Library. I think Papa has a hard time keeping a job and a good attitude. I wonder why someone calling herself mama has handwriting like a junior high kid?

I Declare

Inspired by FOUND’s recent visit to Seattle, I went to a nearby middle school to do my own hunt. I found many random notes but this one was my favorite.

Happy Spaniels

This photo was found in a thrift store, used as a bookmark in an older paperback– I wish I could remember which one– but my friend bought the book and gave me the happy, happy spaniels. The date on the back of the photo is April ’78, which is cool because my friend’s name is … Continued

What Makes Me Smile

I found this today on the floor of my bank. I saw it while standing in the deposit line and laughed to myself as I read it. As I left the bank, I couldn’t help but pick it up. It was so cheery. I know what makes me smile, too.

Flower Face

I was playing on the swings with some friends late at night when I found this flower laying on an elementary school playground.

Easter Egg Icon

I found this behind a shelf in the Ballard Fred Meyer store. I guess it’s a note from an Easter past.