Waste of Skin

It was during a horrific snow storm and I ran out of gas on the way to one of two gas stations open at the time. Luckily I was able to turn left onto a street going downhill and I parked my car in front of an apartment building and coincidentally, in front of a … Continued

An Angle Like You

Found this lying on a #2 Bus seat on my way home from work. Didn’t see who dropped it.


I found this comment card in one of the dining halls at my school, the reply by the chef was just too amusing to pass up, so my boyfriend took it off of the bulletin board for me.

Not One Word

I found this note on a rainy northwest day on the steps just above my office and a bank. It seems to be written by someone my grandmother’s age, so who could it be for? I can just imagine her spouse of 60 years tossing it down… and then throwing caution to the wind and … Continued


I spotted this find more than a year ago on the sidewalk outside my house and it’s been sitting in my living room ever since. The thing that struck me is that this is far from your ordinary missing pet flier. First, there’s no photo…then again, it makes perfect sense, all black cats pretty much … Continued

This Disease called RACISM

Found on a high school campus; looks like an essay. We liked the use of caps lock for RACISM and thought that the author was innovative and surprisingly eloquent in his ideas…. cool.

Is This the Lobster?

This was found on the city information sign outside of the Malt Shop downtown. The death may have been induced by seafood allergies, pincers of mass destruction, or a severe case of lobsterusphobius resulting in heart failure.

Double Fuck You

I found this photograph on the street on my way home. They look like father and son, don’t they? I wonder why someone would throw this away??

At Least He’s Talking to You

I found these in an alley in the University District. I hope that finding them torn out in an alley means that the author has moved on from this chapter of her life