
I found this note and thought it was absolutely hilarious. I thought I’d pass it on to you.

Old Man’s Valentine

This letter was in a book I found at a Spokane, Washington, used book store. It was never sent, apparently, as the 2-cent stamp was not cancelled. Because it was in such pristine condition, I was surprised to see how old it was. Sweet!

Romantic Evening, Indeed

I found this while working at an upscale hotel. Housekeeping had recovered it from a room and left it in the back office. More than halfway through an otherwise empty composition notebook awaited this gem. Our Casanova’s intentions are well-meaning, but really man, you’re going to spend more on your bathrobe than on the lucky … Continued

Valentine’s Day Poem

Found this sweet Valentine’s Day card at the Orlando Fringe Festival 2008

Missing Heart

I woke up early this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep, so I went on a walk and watched the sun rise. As I was coming back, I happened to see this lying on the sidewalk and picked it up.

Another Love Note

I found this romantic(?) “love note” on the sidewalk outside of a bar. It’s been hanging on my refrigerator for almost a year now.

Go With Kale

Found this on my way to the cafeteria.

Laura and Max

This was found on the floor one rainy weekday night.