Love, Mila

I found this tucked between the pages of a textbook in a thrift store. What’s the reason for placing a towel on someone’s pillow?

Paul Danced

These flyers were on every car parked in student housing at Southern Utah University.

We’d Really Appreciate It

Found this on our car at our sister’s apartment late one night. Obviously, they need a special spot to load their “loads.” We park there because they hit my sister’s car before, then asked if they could make more room to park there.


Notice the vintage car, the piles of flowers and the oddly dressed ladies in the background. I think this photo is very surreal.

I Do Work

We were walking down the street recently. We found this.

From the Sexy Table

I found this on the hallway floor in my junior high school. I think I know some of the people in this note, which makes me think I should reevaluate my group of friends.


For having such deep regrets, this small person has very good handwriting.

Really Sensitive

This one is from the University of Utah campus.

Polaroid Painting

Found on South Temple and 600 East. Almost stepped on it. It must have been a mistake, all that gorgeous blur. I keep planning on making a painting of it, but I think I’ll just blow it up and frame it. It’s been hanging out on my desk for a couple of years now.

To Get Mysteriously Ill

I found this note at my work. The janitors seem to be planning the weekend.