I Am a Giggle Bug

Found in a classroom I was helping clean. Apparently students were forced to write letters of apology to their teacher when they got in trouble and we found a whole stack of them. This one stood out.

Apple For The Teacher

I found this attached on the inside of the book called “Fingerpainting on the Moon” by Peter Levitt – a book about creativity! It was so sweet and loving, I find myself going back to it to remind myself.

Great Job Reading

I found this piece on the sidewalk about a quarter-mile from my daughter’s elementary school.

When You Gotta Go

I go for walks in my neighborhood every evening and always keep my eyes open for anything I could send in. I found this note near my front door upon returning home from one of my walks. Looks like Stevie’s mom didn’t get this note.

Before The Before

As I was locking the gate to leave the house, I saw that someone’s bin had blown over. As I went to pick them up, I found this neatly-folded note in front of a plant pot. In a really odd way it made my day to think that this girl was revising harder than I … Continued

Cheating on Diarrhea

I found this report in scraps at my local library. The entire paper was there and very clearly tells the story that cheating is bad.

Look it Up

Found this in the library where I work, sitting by itself on a table.

Petitioning the Lord

I have always wanted to find something strange, and I finally did.

The Police Are Responding

I had just moved into a new house where some dodgy pipe work kept me awake at night. At 4 am during a fit of sleepless rage I pulled up the floorboards to find not pipes, but this note. As far as I am aware there are no schools nearby but what concerns me more … Continued