El Chupacabras

I saw this propped against a tree on the sidewalk at Hayes and Franklin and did a double take at the word Chupacabras. Looking at it later I feel like there’s probably a sad story behind it.

Sheep and TP

Found this on the door of a port-o-potty on the Dingle peninsula– and the sheep had escaped. I can imagine that would be quite a sight!

I AM WATCH U!! >:|

Found in our Chinatown– I guess someone really likes their magazines!

Snake’s Award

Found this gem while walking home in the rain. I love how they torch and threaten this poor guy. That’s what I love about this town, full of love.

He Has the Contacts

We’ve had this posted up in our office for several years now, and only discovered your website recently. I found it on the pavement just up the street from my house while walking to my car. It wasn’t attached to anything, so maybe the culprit got away with his intended burglary. We wonder how he’s … Continued

I Am on to You

I found this outside the Pack Library.

The Rainbow Warriors

My friend and I found this on a car in the parking lot of a Rainbow grocery store.

Drive Me to Class

I saw this taped to a lamppost one day, and grabbed it after a couple of weeks. I completely sympathize as my wife’s bike- and later her bike seat- were stolen around there the year before.