We’re Only Gonna Die Anyways

I found this while exploring an abandoned house with my cousin. It was crumpled up and shoved under a couch cushion.

I’m Sorry, Saige

I was buying some alcoholic beverages and the cashier handed me this dollar bill. The writing caught my eye immediately, and it just about broke my heart. Was the argument over money? Did Saige spend the dollar without seeing the note?

War is Over

I found this note in a puddle on the sidewalk last October while walking down Texas Ave. I think Robert has learned at a young age the value of a formal letter.

My Big Head

My mail carrier left this note on the back of an envelope in my mailbox. I haven’t been able to locate his head anywhere in the neighborhood.

It’s Fine

Like a lot of contributors, I’m a dog walker. Everyday about 6:30am me and the hound take a stroll through the neighborhood. Most of the world is still sleeping that time of day and the potential for finding stuff is pretty good. Although the dog didn’t take a crap, yesterday’s walk really paid off when … Continued