Room 275

Coming home from a late night out in Kansas City for St. Patrick’s Day, I scrambled for some paper to leave my friend a note that I would be right back. That’s when I found this. We never did find out who was in Room 275.

Send Money

My girlfriend and I found this on the way to lunch one afternoon.

Thank You Very Much

Found this on the floor of my apartment building, but I didn’t hear anything.


Found this on the ground while doing some work in my yard. Thought it was an odd bit of advice.

Florentine Message

I was in the Tel-Aviv neighborhood of Florentine with my friends and housemates, taking pictures and generally sightseeing, when I came across this picture in the street. It struck me as especially interesting/creepy because not only was I holding a camera, but someone else had been and had taken the picture.


Found this on the back of a “NO FARTING” sign.

Don’t Be Mean to Me

I found this in a drawer in a restaurant in Los Feliz. It’s obviously written by a child, and it breaks my heart that a child would ever have to feel this guarded that he would write something so profound and emotional. I hope that this kid is having a better go of life by … Continued

Please Be Who You Are

I was going through my mom’s old cookbook and found this. My mom has no idea who Donna Lee is or who could’ve written it.

More Pull Ups

My husband picked up this note on the floor at the grocery store and showed it to me, thinking it was kind of funny.