Canned Clams + Meth

I used to work at a coffee shop frequented by an inordinate amount of methamphetamine-addicts. A pair of such unsavory types one day came in with an opened can of (I kid you not) clams, and began offering them to the shop’s patrons. These guys even made a little sign reading “Free Try Me Fresh” … Continued

Karen’s Guide

Found in the women’s restroom at Mary’s Club, an infamous and seamy strip joint. Karen wrote on her lovely stationary what I can only assume are burning questions she’d pose to a potential date. Question #1 is valid: married? Then a second important question: kids? But then after that – is she just looking for … Continued

Hot Box

Found on my way into the library.

Air Traffic Control

I found this on a shelf in the library where I work. I wonder if the child recently went on a trip via an airplane or if they just like planes.


I found this at the library in a Hellboy comic.

Don’t Worry

I found this note while sorting through my mother-in-law’s papers after her death. She had an amazing sense of humor and never threw anything away.

Dear Grandma

Found in a used copy of Ronald Reagan’s book “In God I Trust” in a used bookstore in Portland.

To Do: Wedding

I found this wedding to do/budget list on the wet sidewalk in front of Nicola’s Restaurant.