Found in Found

I was about one-third into a library copy of the first FOUND book when this note fell from between the pages. Not only was it wonderfully post-modern to find a note within a book on found notes, but the note itself has some intriguing, artful properties: purple graph paper; a simple, repeatedly retraced main note, … Continued

Through Your Throat

I keep my fenced-in yard clean– no tree or plant debris, no broken down satellite dishes or old snowmobiles or toilets turned into planters. I found this one morning- it wasn’t there when I walked the dogs the night before.

The Buzzert Strikes Again

My co-workers found this plastered on a car behind our building. Oddly enough, a few months ago we found SEVERAL adult toys in the same spot. I guess she didn’t need them any more, once she found Steve.

Rock and Roll Explained

Grabbing a shopping cart at my local New Seasons grocery store, I found this lying in the basket. Looks like someone’s notes for an essay on the Rolling Stones. I never thought of Mick as the rock and Keith as the roll, so, even without reading that essay, I’ve caught a new idea from this … Continued


Found this on the sidewalk near my house. If you look close you will notice that the central figure is actually sitting cross-legged on a raised platform. You can just barely see his/her toes poking out from under the white robe.

51 President

I found this while cleaning an office building. It chills me to the bone.


Found on the sidewalk; one side is bulleted with specifics, the other check-boxed.