Not Funny

A friend drove me and a couple of my housemates to a house party about 10 miles from our house where we planned to get smashed. The morning after, whilst looking for my trainers, I found this on the kitchen table.

The Police Are Responding

I had just moved into a new house where some dodgy pipe work kept me awake at night. At 4 am during a fit of sleepless rage I pulled up the floorboards to find not pipes, but this note. As far as I am aware there are no schools nearby but what concerns me more … Continued

It’s Not Fair

I was sitting in this restaurant in the Highland Park area, looking out the window. A man came up to a police cruiser and placed a note on the window. A bunch of people in the restaurant saw this and wondered about it. The cops were eating in the restaurant but didn’t know this was … Continued


This note was found in a cookbook purchased at an antique store in rural Wisconsin.