Help Me, Lincoln!

Another mysterious paper from one of the university recycling bins during move-out week. The back reads “Lincoln = in spite of everything, how did you keep your determination and resolve, or did you?”

White Lightning

As a North Carolina native and having spent my whole life there, I had liked to think that I knew everything about it; but, sometimes you can get deep into the countryside and find things so authentic and so foreign that you feel like you are in a completely different country. This was found at … Continued

Ventura Carbon Copy

I purchased an old Ventura typewriter at a thrift store and there were two of these black pieces of paper (carbon copy paper, I think?) on which the writer had typed a couple of letters. What begins as a letter submitted along with a payment then intertwines with a heartfelt letter of guilt and loneliness. … Continued


I found this in a rental car at the airport when I was on vacation in the Carolinas.


I found two photos inside a photo album at the thrift store. Both are strangely matte (not glossy) so they were probably printed off somebody’s computer.

Probably Expired

I found this Polaroid on the floor in Goodwill. I don’t know if there was a camera for sale and this is a test photo or if it fell out of an album or what. It’s probably expired film and it looks like it was stuck in the camera and somebody pulled it out. Must … Continued

Media Services Sucks

I found two of these in the recycling bin by the copiers in the library. One copy was clearer than the other. There’s about a million reasons to dislike media services, however there were no other copies indicating which reason it might have been.

Raisin Kids

My friend Amy gave this to me a couple of years ago after I introduced her to FOUND Magazine. I think she found it in the back of a used book. Thanks, Amy!