But Really

I found this note sloppily folded in half outside a college dorm. The saddest part is the way the writer kind of runs out of steam at the end.

Autumn Love

Found at a used bookstore.

Daddy Give Me This

A couple of years ago, I received this 5 dollar bill as change from, I don’t remember where. On it is written, “Daddy give me this. 11/19/05 He said it would be the last he ever give me. I love Daddy.” Recently while scrounging for loose change with which to pay some bills, I lay … Continued

Existential Pickle

Found in a parking deck in late 2002. The text appears to be written on the back of an envelope When I read these words for the first time, I said out loud to no one in particular, “Well, aren’t we all?”

Avoid Fringe

This is a page from the diary of a freshman college student that I found it at a rummage sale.

Droopy Santa Pants

My friend Amy found an old photo album and she gave it to me after I showed her Found Magazine #1. This little girl’s name is Jacqueline and the album follows her through the 3rd grade. Daddy (Uncle? Grandpa?) is kind of creepy, isn’t he?

Christmas 1994

I found this picture in a diary at a rummage sale. Apparently the pretty little girl in this photo grew up to be a pretty young lady. However, at the time she was writing this diary she was in college and planning on achieving her dream of becoming a fashion designer. Let’s all hope she … Continued

Big Toe!!

I found this in a old china hutch that was purchased from a thrift store. I have no idea who she is or where she was at but she looks happy!


Found crumpled in a ball beside a garbage can.

Can’t Find the Exit

In this photo, I think I see toilet paper, tables, a hardhat and an exit sign. Must have been some party.