Even Cowboys Get the Blues

I found this card in a stack of cards at a gay cowboy bar. It was the only one with a message written on it.

No Holes Barred

This was found on my roommate’s car late at night near a creepy porn shop. We have wanted to call the number for a long time but have been a little afraid. I just called the number and asked the gentleman if he was a escort service. He said, “What?” I repeated the question and … Continued

Please Help

I found this letter in an antique desk I bought at a thrift store a year and a half ago. I am guessing the author is an elderly woman who has lost her independence and freedom and is upset about it. I hope she’s alive and well, but I suspect that her belongings were donated … Continued

Signs of Aging

Found in an M&Ms box at the Las Vegas Walgreens check out counter.


I found this walking on the strip in Las Vegas. It seems like there could be more pages to this, maybe before? I imagine “boo-Chie” is a woman who’s upset with her love. Maybe they were going to get married in Vegas, but then there were doubts after they lost tons of money gambling to … Continued

Fear and Losing in Las Vegas

I found this note tucked up in the ceiling light fixture in the entryway of my hotel room. I barely noticed the shadow of the item through the smoky glass and decided to reach my hand up and figure out what it was. This person must have been pretty desperate since it was such a … Continued


Found on a shelf in the Las Vegas Super Wal-Mart’s hardware department.

Every Time It Rains

I discovered this back-and-forth note at work in a recycling facility.

Equally Beautiful

This note was found on Memorial Day at The Palms Casino in Las Vegas. It’s on the back of a Keno card.