Death Wish

Found when walking home from my high school.

Poo Bear

I work as a sanitary engineer for the City of Los Angeles’s Bureau of Sanitation, at their largest sewage treatment plant. We process 350 million gallons of wastewater each day. Some engineers in my office recently vacated their cubicles for cushier jobs downtown. Their spaces are now mostly empty except for a few stray pens … Continued

They Do

I found this broken 35mm negative in front of a wedding photographer shop, along with other cut negatives. I love the vintage color, the clothes, the groom and bride looks and the plant behind!

I’m Lost

I work at a training institute, it’s like a school, and a co-worker found this stuck on the bottom of the bin under the shredder after a busy day of exams. I don’t know who the person was, or if they ever found their way out of that pink square, but the biggest mystery is … Continued

Not a Winner

I found this on the pavement outside where I work, a co-op hall on Montague Street. It is written on the back of a NSW lucky lottery ticket. On the other side at the bottom it says not a winning ticket and NOT has been circled with marker pen.

Hello Cody

These three pages from a Hello, Kitty sticky pad fell from a book that my girlfriend was browsing at Goodwill. Neither of us can recall what the book was. We think there are three interwoven layers here – first, the obsessive “I love Cody/Cody is Cute/Cody is Funny” repetitive text, then the furious counter-offensive “I … Continued