Just After the Forest Fire

I discovered this in a box of old photos at Atlas Audio Repair. Loved the bleary quality. My heart stopped when I read the caption on the back. Evocative. Wonder how I would’ve felt if it instead read, “Just before the forest fire.”

Hello Kitty Confession

This caught my eye as I was riding along a bike path. The spelling mistake makes it even more sad.

Radio cowboy

While out walking one day I saw this publicity photo abandoned on the sidewalk. I left it there on the sidewalk in case the owner might come back. A little research suggests that it’s radio cowboy Cottonseed Clark Fulks, who briefly broadcast from KVSM in San Mateo, California in the early 1950s.

Boating Drama In The High Desert

Found this notepad paper today. A very windy day in the Mojave Desert. It was snagged it on a bush in my front yard. Not really possible to have a boating accident in this town, unless the boat fell off a trailer. Attempted murder? Crikey!

Dear Tooth Fairy

I found this note in my car, but do not know how it got there or who Andre might be. My only guess on how it got in my car is that one of my friends found it and put it there thinking I would get a kick out of it. My wild guess about … Continued

The Other Woman

This folded note was tucked into a used book I bought decades ago. It’s a letter from a pissed friend of Sylvia Wroe, who is telling “the other woman” to lay off Sylvia’s husband. Now, why Sylvia kept it is a mystery indeed. Seems like the kind of thing you rip up in a jealous … Continued

Paris Easter Sunday 1919

Found this photo in the 1915 edition of “The AIT Cycle”, the student annual of the Armour Institute of Technology in Chicago. There were three different volumes found in the old Victorian style home where my wife grew up in Francesville, Indiana. When I discovered the photo tucked into one of them, I was intrigued. … Continued

No Nuthin

I found this sticking to a traffic cone inside the University of Alaska Anchorage Campus Center. I’m assuming it’s a wet paint sign, but there was nothing being painted that I saw.    

Modern Lovers

Found this in a dumpster by my house. I really like Theron’s use of metaphor, and I’m curious as to what he means by “hospital”.