Ninja Attack

My friend was in San Francisco and found this on the street.

Top Ten Ways to Get Rich

I found this in a Yucatan Peninsula guidebook that was left in our vacation house in Akumal, Mexico. Apparently the beach atmosphere stimulated the economic savvy of this tourist.

Dear Nathan

I found this in a pile of cards in a suburb of St. Louis.

Not One Word

I found this note on a rainy northwest day on the steps just above my office and a bank. It seems to be written by someone my grandmother’s age, so who could it be for? I can just imagine her spouse of 60 years tossing it down… and then throwing caution to the wind and … Continued

Bird Of Paradise

Found this in the front cover of the book “A Practical Guide to Unemployment Insurance.”

Financial Escape Plan

I found this note folded up as I was watering the plants in the yard. I would love to know how this story continues.

Spring Break Budget

I am a professor who teaches large chemistry classes. I found this paper on desk in the back of the class on my way out of the room after a lecture. I looked at it and saw that it was a Spring Break budget with specified categories. Clearly this student had his/her mind on “chemistry” … Continued

Print Jobs

Typically you print and go retrieve your stuff, especially if its not work-related. Someone forgot his personal print job.