Please Don’t Ticket

I found this sticky note on my neighborhood’s sidewalk in a fall windstorm, no tire-free cars in sight.

Dear Cory

I found this letter at a thrift store. It’s written on the inside cover of Here’s Another Book, My Friend. Makes me wonder if Cory lost the book or just gave it away. Anywho I rescued it and it is an inspirational letter for me; thank you, Ann and Cory.

Grand Theft Laundry

This note was found posted on a bulletin board in the laundry room of a housing community on the University of Central Florida campus.


Saw this on a lamp-post whilst walking home.

You Suck at Life Now

I was walking home from the park with my kids and thought that I’d take them by the juvie; like, “Hey kids, don’t act up and end up in there some day.” We found this on the sidewalk. I saw the swear word up top and then wouldn’t let my kids have it. They spent … Continued

Lost Skunk

My husband found this laminated flier hanging up on the campus of Ball State University. This same picture with more details was posted in the classifieds section of the Muncie Star Press under Lost & Found. The owners must have really cared for their pet skunk as they apparently had its picture taken professionally. I … Continued

Poor Pelican

I work at a community center and I found this drawing on the floor. I thought it was great that he was born in “New Orlands” and died from “lunge cancer.” But, it truly is a sad story.


I found this on my windshield this morning.

White Lightning

As a North Carolina native and having spent my whole life there, I had liked to think that I knew everything about it; but, sometimes you can get deep into the countryside and find things so authentic and so foreign that you feel like you are in a completely different country. This was found at … Continued