My Best Friend is NOT Mommy

I found this on the lawn of a house on my walk to work. Best I can tell, it was written on the back of one of those lids that protects a store-bought lasagna. (The other side is metallic.)

Letter from camp

This letter was addressed to someone with the same last name as me- a boy who was writing to his mom- but apparently didn’t know her address (and left no return address). It seems he is in dire need of tic-tacs and useful things.

Under the Bed

I was walking down Eastern Avenue one rainy day and saw this lying on the sidewalk.

If You Don’t Want to Be Friends

I found this note while walking my dog. It was torn and wadded up on the edge of the sidewalk. On the flip side it has an answer to the note I suppose: “Bye.”

Dear Tooth Farey

I found this while going through old papers.

Warning Future Adam

I found this whilst working at the Salvation Army, on the backside is a treasure map I was never able to decipher.