For Your Safety and Mine

Found this in the street about a mile from Clissold Park. I think Tom is in a whole heap of trouble!

Party Party UK Stylee

Found behind the radiator at work. No idea when, where, what they are celebrating or what she might be eating.

Missing Kitty

One day I was locking my bike in a back alley off south side of Soho Square and I saw this note in the pavement. I guess it was stuck in a lamppost but fell off. I took from the ground and originally I was thinking to stick it again, but is so funny (think … Continued

Late Birthday Present

I found this on the Tube. An absent father mails his daughter some jeans with peanut butter and this accompanying letter, I assume.

Underpants Man

Found this outside a pub, I like the mix of upper and lower case in the title.

Enjoy the Mess

I found this in the Easter egg section whilst waiting to buy a magazine. It’s written on the reverse of a torn Rice Krispies box. I hope Julia and her friends enjoy their sleepover.

Bedtime Songs

A friend and I found this on the side of the road on the way back home after a night out. It was pretty scratched and looked like it had endured the rain, but managed to splutter into life when played at home. It has since become a favourite for us both before bed, although … Continued

Hulk Bean Bag Chair

I found this in a magazine in the basement at a ‘BUY SELL TRADE’ shop in Notting Hill. The bean bag chair does look comfy, especially the “padded belly seat area.”

Shock Absorber

Found between the pages of Brahms Violin Sonata No. 3 in D minor, checked out from the library. I guess notes from a piano lesson. Most of it makes sense, but I wonder what “chords — shock absorber” would signify?