A Cup of Tea

From a strip of negatives found on the street in Cairo.


I found this comment card in one of the dining halls at my school, the reply by the chef was just too amusing to pass up, so my boyfriend took it off of the bulletin board for me.

In My Mouth

I found this on the ground on my college campus. Looks like someone was hungry– I hope they got what they wanted.

Jonny’s Lunch Choices

I found this in the lunchroom of the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry. I think I would be a very different person if my mom left notes in my lunch like Jonny’s mom does.


On a Sunday afternoon walk, I came across a pile of ejected house waste, clothes, toys, furniture and this photograph. It was found on a street behind Madrid’s modern art museum, The Reina Sophia. All I can say is that it looks like they have been trying to invent Cherry Coke by mixing normal coke … Continued

Pizza’d Out

I love the expression and from now on I will try to use it wherever possible. I keep wondering under what circumstances someone would write this.


Jonathan Swift got it wrong – the babies will feast on the adults!


I found this on a disc of pictures that someone left on my desk. I love the colors and the look on the cat’s face, as if to say “So, what are you going to do about it?” But, I don’t see a fish in the bowl; maybe the picture taker was too late!

Get Me Some Hot Ass Food

I found this at a park in Ventura. The spelling made me sad, but I have to admit that I have eaten at Old Country Buffet and, like Derrick, I found the experience to be extremely underwhelming.


This looks like quite an ambitious grocery list – cat food for ALL cats?? What’s a coffee markout?