Nectarine Pancakes

I found this in a used bookstore, between the pages of a 1970s edition of Henry James’ “The Ambassadors.”

Kill the Rabbit, Kill the Rabbit

I found this old photograph along with some others in the flea market. I was pretty sad to see someone throw away a photo with such character. These men lived only 60 years ago, and no one cared to keep this picture of them.

Off Guard

Found this in a recycling bin near my home, and I cannot believe anyone would throw out such a perfect photo. The wood paneling, the shamed expression on the man’s face, the livid expression on the woman’s face, and then, the crowning touch: the rose. It’s fantastic.

Trailer Life

This was one of many photocopied photos I found at a playground; this is my favorite.

A Bowl of Soup

Found on an exposed roll of film inside a Brownie camera at a Goodwill around 1975 or ’76.

Fun Lunch!

In a box of discarded pictures from cleaning out the yearbook’s cabinets, this one jumped out at me as a favorite.

Underwear Only

I came across this soggy, trampled note lying on a gravel path on my way home from work. Only the bare necessities for this person!


From an exposed roll of film inside a Brownie camera found at a Goodwill around 1978.