Destine Destiny Destinee

I found this notebook while walking through my neighborhood. Oddly, this is the only page with what seems to be a child’s handwriting. The rest of the notebook contains a few recipes and some notes from the Franklin Covey time management program in very neat handwriting. There is no name or contact information. I think … Continued

Phonetic Swearing

I found this while helping inventory books in a school library at the end of the school year.

NOT the Father

I was visiting my brother at his apartment and when I got ready to leave this was under my wiper blade. The truck I drive is a very popular model and color, so she obviously picked the wrong one. My brother does not know anyone in his complex named in the note.

Rumors and Calc Shit

I’ve been trying to figure out who John and Carol are, but there are six Carols and 14 Johns at my school.

Bad Break-up

Found at Kroger. Picked it up right after a lady left it on a shelf.

Frustrated Virgin Needs an FTF

This note was found at a high school nestled at the top of a garbage can. If it isn’t golden I don’t know what is. Cute little cartoons and drawing decorate this seemingly innocent note. Innocent, that is, until we read on a bit and discover this innocent young lady needs an FTF!


My friend and I were picking up trash in the school when we came across this.

Joe Is Dirty

Found this not far from the high school when I was going for a walk. It was folded up neatly and laying right by the road in the grass.