I’m Sorry, Saige

I was buying some alcoholic beverages and the cashier handed me this dollar bill. The writing caught my eye immediately, and it just about broke my heart. Was the argument over money? Did Saige spend the dollar without seeing the note?

Not Terrorized

I got this back as change at some restaurant. I can’t remember which, or what I ordered.

Shouldn’t You Be Smart

I found this at the coffee shop where I work. I wonder if whoever wrote on this dollar wanted it to be circulated, thus insulting strangers at random; or, was it meant for someone, written on, crumpled, and tossed into the lap of their fellow 7th grader, only to be inserted later into the snack … Continued

Two Flat Tires

On my way to the ski hill I had a flat, two blocks from my house. I couldn’t get the flat off, I couldn’t get the spare off. I paid $50 to tow it into the garage and have them fix it. They were done by 2:30. I missed a day of superb skiing. At … Continued