
I found this note folded into a square under my desk in Hebrew class.

Paul Danced

These flyers were on every car parked in student housing at Southern Utah University.

Cuttin’ a Rug

Found these two photos while cleaning out the house of a dead relative. They were stuck together behind a tiki bar.

Belly Dancers

I am the owner of the Cadieux Cafe. I found this picture while “urban spelunking” in the basement of the Cadieux. There were a bunch of pics which were water damaged, and while peeling them apart the belly dancers emerged. I peeled back an oval sticker and you can see the marks left, also the … Continued

Dance Club Only

This note was found at Virginia Tech outside of a professor’s office one afternoon. This professor likes to listen to techno, so I found the note to be particularly fitting.


Found on the sidewalk on my way to class, this seems to show several older persons in a basement “getting their groove on,” as it were.