
I found this list at Wal-Mart. Should I have worn gloves when I picked it up, or do I just watch too many crime drama shows?

Free As A Bee

Found in a mostly blank music notebook. I didn’t think much of it until I read the last sentence then decided to submit it.

Flip Master

This photo was found in the kitchen of a community hall where a punk rock show was being held. It depicts a common Calgary tradition: a “stampede breakfast,” where free pancakes and sausage are served. Of note is the fact that the pancake is in mid-flip, and the flipper of the pancake is making direct … Continued

In This Land of Sun and Fun

This item was stuck inside a children’s book which was mixed in with other books donated to us at the Prison Book Project (a non-profit cooperative that mails donated books to inmates in the US). I presumed it was something brought home from summer camp & was made useful as a bookmark.

Hello Kitty Confession

This caught my eye as I was riding along a bike path. The spelling mistake makes it even more sad.

Beyond the Call of Duty

Found this on my way into Schnuck’s for some groceries after class one night. It seems Danny was helping put on a dance recital.

No What to Do

I work at the university and found this delightful drawing while tidying up the Aboriginal student lounge. I don’t think anyone would know what to do when confronted by a weird bucket with what appears to be a tap. Kids are weird.

Dear Ike Skelton

I found this at a Boy Scout function in Summer of 2007.  Ike Skelton is a Congressman in Missouri.