‘Till Death Do Us Part

This slide was found in a dumpster. Dated DEC ’59, the image was tossed out along with several dozen other family portraits from this era. I’ll leave it to the viewer to determine what this says about the Jersey Shore culture in the late 1950′s.


A favorite from a roll of found film I got developed.

Good Meat

Found on the sidewalk

Just After the Forest Fire

I discovered this in a box of old photos at Atlas Audio Repair. Loved the bleary quality. My heart stopped when I read the caption on the back. Evocative. Wonder how I would’ve felt if it instead read, “Just before the forest fire.”

If, Then

I think everyone feels this way at least once in their life.


I came out of Office Depot one night recently to find this under my wiper blade. The weird part was that my car was the only one close to the store in the Office Depot parking lot at that hour. I guess I looked singularly clueless to someone who had been there and left. I … Continued

Love Always, Ginger

I bought a very conservative flannel night gown at Salvation Army as a joke bachelorette party gift. When I was folding the night gown to wrap it, I noticed something in the pocket, this note. The odd thing is that the nightgown still had the tags and everything on it, which makes me wonder if … Continued

My Sister’s Stage

I found this along with another one in a hallway at my school. I’m not sure if the person who wrote it is just learning English or is just bad at sentence structure.

Midwestern People

I found this on the sidewalk by the Nelson Atkins Art Museum. I can’t help but wonder what specifically is so strange about Midwestern people – it remains a mystery to me.

Life List

This scrap of paper was wedged between two floorboards in my cousin’s bedroom. Her family just moved into the house, and I guess one of the previous occupants left it behind. Moving on to greater things I guess.