Joe Is Dirty

Found this not far from the high school when I was going for a walk. It was folded up neatly and laying right by the road in the grass.

I Want Details

I found this in the grass outside of the mental health office where I work. I don’t think Bre followed the directions from her mom very well.

The Mind of Sarah

A friend of mine (janitor) found a diary while taking out the trash. Sarah is just your average boy crazy 5th grader.

Like, Squared

Found soaked in the runoff of a snowbank in my doctor’s office parking lot early one morning — this sticky-noted assertion pasted to a piece of blue lined paper. (Blue, it’s useful to note, is the color of like like. And anyone with experience will tell you that like like = love.)

Underestimated Boyfriend

I found this in a grocery store shopping cart. It is on the back of a torn piece of notebook cover.

Here’s the Deal-e-o

I found this on the floor in the grocery store I work at on Valentine’s day.

No Love

Found this in the parking lot.

Piano Man, Part II

After poring through my archives, I found the companion photo photo for “Piano Man,” which was Find of the Day for Nov. 10, 2006. This appears to be part of some play, where the young man in the previous photo was impressing the ladies with his piano chops. Here, he appears to be escorting one … Continued