Suiside Door

I found this next to my neighbor’s mailbox.

What the…?

Found this in a vintage store.

Why Me?

There was a group home for women down the street from us. I found this while shoveling snow. I was about to dispose of it when I read the last item.

That Box

This note was flapping down the beach by the North Avenue pier. I was with Nicole and Claire. It was a clear, windy day- Thursday May 11, 2000. This note is written on the back of a blue piece of stationary from a Secretarial-Bookkeeping Service in Kansas City. Of all the cryptic, inexplicable phrased I … Continued

I Don’t Hate Jesus

I found this note rolled up inside a sock on my front doorstep.

Chinese John Lennon

I hope Chinese John Lennon can find a way to take the ferry to Hamilton Ontario, otherwise Paul Ming will have to break up the band and form Chinese Wing.

It’s All Yours

I found this on someone’s front lawn today. At first I thought it said, “It’s all you,” and then I read more and realized that it must have been some sort of sign a child made for a free giveaway of unwanted stuff…There is an elementary school across the street. I like the “No Momey” … Continued

Call to Action

On the corner of LaGuardia and Bleecker, I spotted a photocopy of this call to action tucked under the windshield of a parked van. Then I stepped on yet another copy lying face-down in the crosswalk. I had to take it with me. New York City has been flooded with protests and demands for justice … Continued

A Straight Nooner

Here’s a scanned image of a note I found last weekend along the American River in Sacramento. The note was lying in some grass alongside the river next to a few empty beer cans (Coors Lite) and some discarded fishing line.

And You Said MY Grammar Was Bad

To the best of my knowledge, this is a letter written from a parent to a child. The irony of it all makes my head go silly inside.