Doing the Nasty LOL

I found this in a filing cabinet that my mom bought for me at a yard sale.

So Wait, Is That a No?

Here’s a scanned copy exactly as it was found- crumpled and discarded into a small ball on my front lawn. Apparently, Kim said no.

Happy Couple

This Polaroid is one of our favorites. I unearthed it from down deep in the couch cushions. Since our couches were purchased at a second-hand store, the photo’s origin is shrouded in mystery. It’s hard to tell the year, but the cars in the background and the little girl’s outfit suggest the 60′s or 70′s. … Continued

Wedding Day

I found this on a copy machine. I guess this is what you get if you don’t spring for a professional wedding photographer. These folks wanted a nice shot of the bride’s bouquet; I wonder if they did a close-up of the hands with the wedding rings, too?