Army Dudes

Found on a sidewalk several years ago; no idea who they are, but the Mussolini poster in the background is a nice touch!

Hi Fidelity Psychology

I found a few slides that appear to be from some sort of psychological test/experiment done in the 1970s. It involves a lot of machinery hooked up to the test subjects(?) and a lot of guys in thick glasses taking notes and talking with them. A lot of the people look distraught but not this … Continued

Fancy Casket

I was going through a bunch of old books, one of my favorite hobbies. This picture was tucked inside a Bible totally written in Latin. The first pages were missing so not sure how old; but, look at the detail in dressing up this casket.

Friends at 14,000 Ft.

Last June my husband and I drove to Colorado from Virginia for our anniversary. We drove up Pike’s Peak one day, and at the top of the mountain I noticed this picture blowing around on the ground beside the viewing area. It was very windy, snowy and icy, and I was lucky to catch it … Continued

The Garden Path

We leased some land in Villierstown, Ireland, that had about a kilometre of daffodils and jonquils in the driveway, leading to the ruin of what would once have been a moderately grand house. It had a wing, meaner-proportioned than the rest of the house, for the servants to live and work in. But, it was … Continued

Waist High

These pictures came in a batch of photos developed at a drug store in the early 60′s.

With A Little Help From My Friends

I found this photo tucked away in an old paperback copy of Dune at the Value Village thrift store. I’m almost positive it was placed at a random page as opposed to being used as a bookmark. The book cost .69¢ but the photo is priceless. There are three names with tally marks underneath them … Continued

PTA Calendar Dinner

I decided to take a look through the old album pages that I had found awhile back. This was on a page in which “PTA Calendar Dinner 1957-58″ was written in white grease pencil on black paper. There are other pictures from his page, they are both close-ups of the table settings.

Playground 1957

From pages of an old album found in the back of a cabinet. Those dresses and shoes do not look monkey-bar friendly.