Glasses ‘n’ Classes

Found in yearbook cast-offs. Date on the board and the vampire teeth means it was a Halloween party.

Halloween ’96

I am intrigued by both the girl on the right’s lack of enthusiasm and the fact that the house number is 12345.


Not sure what’s going on here. Rescued from the recycle bin.

How to Paint Olives

This was from an old album from the back of a cabinet. I think I have something in common with the kid in the middle. Neither of us can figure out why we are being taught to paint olives, at least that is what it looks like.


Another one of the unusual yearbook discards. Nothing says awesome like bunched up tube socks, striped sleeves, and lots of padding.

Fun Lunch!

In a box of discarded pictures from cleaning out the yearbook’s cabinets, this one jumped out at me as a favorite.

Big Wheel

One of the last of the pictures found in the back of the old desk drawer – this one is a different style.


I’ve been doing major housekeeping in my classroom, and I found some more pictures! On the back it says “Mother was a Freshman, 1950.”

The Athletes

Found in the trash that was being discarded by the yearbook staff when they were cleaning out for moving. No names, dates, or other identifying info.