Pain au Chocolat

I found this note stuck on the inside cover of Running in Heels, by Anna Maxted. I’m convinced its good luck because the lady only charged me 50 cents for the 23 books I picked out. Oh, and there really were crumbs inside, or maybe it was sand from the beach.

Never Cease To Amaze

I found this on my way to go for a boogie. I think it is about platonic love and admiration from one backpacker to another.

It’s a Small World

It pictures a young hitchhiker with a rolled up sleeping bag with his thumb out. The car in front of him is about a 1950 Mercury Taxi. So far nothing unusual except for a few things: * I knew that guy. We’d been in high school together. He graduated a year ahead of me and … Continued

The Funnest Day of Your Life

I found this in the snow around the corner from my house. I hope the owner’s teacher was able to enjoy this before I found it!

Street Scene

I found this photograph in an alley behind a store where I used to work. I can’t tell where the photo was taken, or why there’d be a tank in the street…

Colonial Tea

I found this picture in the basement of my university. This picture reminds me of the beginning of Hitchcock’s The Man Who Knew Too Much.

The Stigma

I found this in a local coffee shop.

Things Be Right Fine

Found outside on the ground, in an area that is used for scout camps and other group events.