Beautiful Day for Fish

He looks very content with where he is in life right now; it’s wonderful to see that. I also love that every thing seems to be one shade of blue or another… his shirt, pants, the water, his hat, the sky.


Found at the Lavaca St. Bar in downtown Austin near midnight on July 4th, 2009. The bar has a photo booth where patrons can get in and take silly photos, this was sitting on a table next to the photo booth.

Fight All the Time

I found this letter hiking on top of a small mountain in central Texas. It was sitting under a small pile on pebbles.

Lame Andrew

I found this treasure in a library book on love in Dante’s Paradiso. It made my research process much more enjoyable and entertaining.

Tay in deep SH**!!

I found this crammed in the back of a dresser in a hotel room I was doing maintenance in.

Attack at Random

These were posted all over my neighborhood in the North Loop area in 2006. I never saw the badger.


My dad bought some property in this little town called Iola. There was an old barn and farmhouse on the property and I have found lots of cool antiques in the barn. I was helping to take the old sheet-rock off the walls and this fell next to me in the biggest bedroom.

Halloween ’79

I found this in a house I bought. The back says “Halloween 1979 Stephen F Austin State University dorm 13 friends.”

An Honest Confession

I found this in the upstairs hall of my high school – definitely one of my favorite finds. It made me smile.

NOT the Father

I was visiting my brother at his apartment and when I got ready to leave this was under my wiper blade. The truck I drive is a very popular model and color, so she obviously picked the wrong one. My brother does not know anyone in his complex named in the note.