It was my grandmother’s funeral and my whole family was having some kind of reception in the basement that I think was also a makeshift Sunday school. My cousin, Jim, grabbed my sister and I and said, “Come on, let’s get out of here.” Right when we were leaving I saw this small yellow square … Continued

So, Can I Drink It?

I found this on a sidewalk in Silver Lake near the Spaceland rock club. It still maintains the dirty piece of tape that was surely the cause of it being on the ground and not stuck lovingly to someone’s windshield or something.

Take a Couple

I found another note just a few weeks after the last one I found, so now I’m afraid you’ll think I’m making it up, but no siree, how could I make this up? I found it face up on top of a bush early on a Saturday morning. Why under the black chair with all … Continued