I Didn’t Realize

Found in the back of a Harry Potter book in the high school library. Too bad they didn’t check a box at the bottom, I’d really have liked for them to have quantified the coolness.

Dear Mr. Webb

Found this on the Illawarra Line Train. Lucky he quit on his second attempt- wasn’t going anywhere fast!

Anne Frank Essay

Some middle schooler meditates on the sexiness of Anne Frank.


My friend lives across the street from a high school. Not only that, he lives across from the opening in the fence where everybody goes in and comes out. So I find stuff there all the time. This test in particular makes me laugh whenever I read the teacher’s comments.

Thanks Uncle Tom

I bought a meat grinder at Salvation Army and this note was in the box.

This May Sound Slutty

I found this typewritten note about 10 years ago when I was in college at the University of Toledo. I assume it is a contract for a non-exclusive friends with benefits relationship. I wonder what her “secret purposes” were?


They don’t allow cell phone use during school hours at most campuses in Austin, so if you have to text.

Quit Your Mistake Making

My friend found this wedged in between the bars on the underside of her desk. Our class is 3rd period, so we have no clue who either the writer or the intended receiver/offender is.