To Get Mysteriously Ill

I found this note at my work. The janitors seem to be planning the weekend.


I was digging in my garden and found a little scrap of 8mm film caught in some roots, so I scanned it. The film contains about five frames of a home movie on Christmas morning. Two children are in the frames, a little boy and a little girl, and a decorated Christmas tree is visible … Continued

She Had Trouble Paying the Rent

I found this note under my refrigerator after the last tenant moved out. She had had trouble paying the rent.


This was found stapled to telephone poles and poster boards all around the ’9th and 9th’ area of Salt Lake City. This is a sort of hipster area of town, and many gay couples hang out there. One morning we were getting coffee and these photocopies were everywhere! I kept one because it was just … Continued

All the Basics

Found this at the Smith’s Foods. I loved that  maxis is smacked in between the bacon and lunch meat.