This stupid vacuum…

One day early last summer I was walking through the breezeway that leads to the exterior stairs of the apartment building in which I live in Moraga CA. On the tile floor of the breezeway I found this note. From the presence of the piece of tape that was still attached to it I presume … Continued

From Ivan’s Desk

I’m not exactly sure if this one counts, but I thought I’d share it anyway. My drummer found this note left in his room two days after moving in with this really anal guy he found on Craigslist (’nuff said). He unfortunately moved out before receiving any bathroom pointers.

Better Off Alone

I recently read the book Eat, Pray, Love, having checked out the book from my local library. I found this note tucked into the jacket cover. The note struck a chord with me having had a crappy roommate my freshman year in college.

Welcome to My Cubby

My wife and I buy and sell used books, and we often find little treasures tucked away in them. This was found in a book of children’s poetry, written on the back of deposit slips for a bank in WA. The whole thing is so sweet; we really hope they’re still together. And we’d love … Continued

A Great Tornado

Found on my way to class at UMass Amherst.

Clothes and Undies

This was found in a parking lot of an entertainment-type district. I think Jenn was celebrating after the interview– although not the best place to shop for clothes and undies.


My friend saw this on a wall on a Friday night.

Vocal Boy

I found this laying on the sidewalk one day.

Dear Towel Owner

I found this in the bathroom of my dorm, taped on a shelf. After a couple of days, and with no sign of the towel, I decided it was time to take this little treasure for my own.

Call Back

This was found and given to me by someone with whom I shared common space at the time. We used to walk a lot in those days, in the cold and the snow and broken beer bottles.