
I found this business card while walking downtown.

A Neat Life

This was found while I waited for the streetcar on a typical rain drenched afternoon. It was balled up sitting very close to the garbage can, but it looked very clean, crisp and white, so I picked it up and was very intrigued.


Found this while browsing at a used book fair. Wish I could remember the name of the book it was hiding inside, but I didn’t want to buy the book, so I put it back, but kept the note (score!). It’s a sweet note from a mom to her kid, a sort of pep talk … Continued

Hott Date

This was in a Hawaiian fast food men’s room. I couldn’t believe my luck.


Found this tucked away in a used copy of “The Martian Chronicles” I picked up the other day for a quarter.

I Think We Can Still Be Friends

I bought an old bureau at a yard sale. It needed a little work so I took out the drawer, and then a folded up note fluttered down onto my foot. I opened it up, read it, and decided I HAD to share.

Wonderful Bagels

Found in a copy of Amy Tan’s “The Joy Luck Club,” which I bought at a Salvation Army while waiting on an oil change.

Papa’s Got a Brand New Job

I found this on the ground outside the Ballard Library. I think Papa has a hard time keeping a job and a good attitude. I wonder why someone calling herself mama has handwriting like a junior high kid?

Thanks for Sleeping with Me

I buy used books from thrift stores and yard sales, and then sell them on Amazon. I picked up a copy of “Arctic Dreams” by Barry Lopez, and found this inside. It was in an envelope which appeared to be unopened (glued closed).


I found this in a DVD case I bought at a Spec’s one day.