Probably Expired

I found this Polaroid on the floor in Goodwill. I don’t know if there was a camera for sale and this is a test photo or if it fell out of an album or what. It’s probably expired film and it looks like it was stuck in the camera and somebody pulled it out. Must … Continued

Good Ol’ Boy

Found this while poking around an abandoned motel off of US 19 just south of Perry, Florida. It was in a room filled chest-high with crap like old Parade magazines with Joe Pesci on the cover, rusted cans and rotting, puka shell chandeliers (I kid you not).

I Am Soooo Big

These were left at an old police station.


I found this in the case of a Polaroid land camera I was looking through at Goodwill.

Pie Fight

This was in a shoebox full of photos of the same family. Most were taken in the 1960s and I think most of them went to UCLA because they are wearing UCLA gear and appear to be college age.

Hank the Camel

Found this on yet another walk with the dog…. it took me back to my childhood when I was forced into photo ops that I’d rather never happened.

Mary’s Danish

I stumbled across this gem while doing a clean up job for a friend of mine on a rental property of his, apparently left at some point over the years by a previous tenant. Possibly a friend of the man in the middle of the photo? I recognize Matt Cameron and Chris Cornell from Soundgarden. … Continued

Ice Cream Machine

I found this while walking to the store one day. Not really sure why one would take a photo of these machines and then leave it in the middle of the street.

Keep Your Head Up

Found this on the sidewalk … the burn mark and the message don’t go together at all. I wonder what happened between them.