Ransom Note Not Included

I found this photograph on the ground outside where I work. I can only assume the wind blew away the accompanying ransom note.

Hawaii Fixation

I wonder if this was a joke or if I unintentionally removed a valid warning to the general public.

She’s a 10

Photograph glued to a playing card.


The colors in this old Polaroid are surprisingly vivid, and if it wasn’t falling apart at the edges I’d put it on my fridge.

Pups with Pups

These two kids appear in multiple photos at different ages in this photo album I found, usually with better haircuts.


Recently I acquired several slide trays which contained photos from the 1960s and early 1970′s. This one is captioned, “Sagabol(?) Isle, March 1970.”

Soul Sister

This was on the floor at Woodward Avenue Presbyterian Church.

Japanese Import Kiss

I found this in the boot of my car after I bought it. It is a Japanese car not sold in many places outside of Japan that was privately imported to Australia around 8-10 years ago. When I cleaned out all the carpet inside the boot I found a squished packet of photos that I … Continued

Chile Family Photo

I found this photo on the floor of a bus. Nobody around to reclaim it. Wonder who are these women and children? Who lost it? It seems to be taken in Torpederas Beach, Valparaíso, Chile. Says “year 1941” on the back.

First Kiss

I had noticed a small round photo stuck in the limestone wall at the top of the stairs on my way into my office for weeks, but this morning it is raining and I decided it was time to save the poor photo from the elements. There is really no way to know where it … Continued